Monday, July 25, 2011

Fourth of July

I know all three of you following this blog aren't exactly checking it every day, but my FIL called me out on not updating it.  I hate throwing out excuses, but things have been crazy.  Tragedies all around, kids sick, me sick . . . . so much getting in the way of me posting!  Hopefully we are putting all that behind us.  I certainly hope we do before we go on vacation in a few weeks!  We are so excited about that. 

I did want to do a post about our trip to see my parents' in Little Rock over the 4th of July!

Like idiots, we left at about 7:00pm on Friday night, thinking maybe our kids would be good and sleep in the car.  They both cried for about 30 minutes straight before they fell asleep.  They also couldn't sleep until it got dark outside, which was way after their bedtimes.  Mercifully, they weren't too difficult to get to sleep once we got there at 1:00am.

Saturday morning we had fun playing with Butch and Mimi.

Everyone says Bobo looks like me.  I think he looks like Butch.  They both have round faces. 

Gigi had a lot of fun with this guy.  Mimi and Butch have had a turtle family living in their yard for the past 20 years.  All they have to do to get them to come out is turn on the sprinklers.  Every spring there will be the cutest, tiny baby turtle you've ever seen.

Playing on the neighbor's swing set.  I know that's W-T for Bobo to just have on his diaper but oh well, we were in Arkansas!  No shoes either ;)

Sunday was the day of the big 4th of July party at Butch and Mimi's.  Ever since I was little we would buy our own fireworks and shoot them off in the street in front of our house.  It is not legal in the city limits of Little Rock, but it isn't strictly enforced either.  And let me tell you, it is way, way more fun to shoot your own fireworks than it is to go watch them in some big field.

Especially when your party includes water balloon fights.

Bobo started standing up on his own this weekend so of course he had to do it in the least stable place possible.

Some of the "big guns."

So a few things have changed about the neighborhood party since my parents' neighbors across the street moved in.  One of them being the pinata.  This party is way more fun than it used to be!

Well, this was as good as it got for a family photo.  Don't think it's making the Christmas card but I've seen worse!

One of the best things about visiting Mimi and Butch's house is that I get to read mine and Susu's old books with Gigi and Bobo.  I think they'll appreciate them better when they're a little older.  Oh how I love these old books!

We left on Sunday morning (the 4th) and stopped at Brown's Country Store in Benton on our way out of town.  I really should have brought the camera.  It was a good ol' fashioned pig out.  They have a buffet of good ol' southern food (mostly fried).  It was good and the perfect thing to do to get the kids to take a loooooooooooong nap in the car.  The ride home was mostly peaceful.  We've definitely learned a few things about trips in the car with our kids.  We hope to make this trip an annual tradition because we always have so much fun!

See you soon!

1 comment:

  1. Good post! I love the pic with the water balloon!
