Monday, October 10, 2011

This Boy . . .

Loves reading books . . .

Likes to sneak in the pantry to play . . .

Has the sweetest tummy . . .

Walks around holding a sock in each hand . . .

Enjoys cooking . . .

Goes behind this chair to play peek-a-boo . . .

Is a little climber . . .

Likes to make a mess . . .

 Is even cute when he's fussing . . . 

Looooooooooves milk . . .

Is my big eater . . .

Has the sweetest smile . . .

Has stolen his mama's heart!

Bobo was sick the other day and we got to spend the whole day together.  I intended to be productive, but instead we watched movies and snuggled and played (and took pictures) all day.  I have never been so happy to be unproductive!


  1. Your day was much much more productive than you realize, and yes this boy is a keeper. And that other kid too!!!! Much love to you all.


  2. Glad he is feeling better.
